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  • (A) Generally.
    (1) When two vehicles enter an intersection at approximately the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right, except as otherwise provided in division (B) below. Provided, however, where signs bearing the message “Yield-Right-of-Way” are erected upon the approach to the intersection, a driver approaching such sign shall slow to a reasonable speed for existing conditions of traffic and visibility, yielding the right-of-way to all traffic on the intersecting street which is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. The driver of any vehicle traveling at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any right-of-way which he or she might otherwise have hereunder.
    (2) The driver of a vehicle within an intersection where no traffic signal is located and who intends to turn to the left shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard, but said driver having so yielded and having given a signal when and as required by this title, may make such left turn and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching the intersection from said opposite direction shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle making the left turn.
    (3) The driver of a vehicle within an intersection at which a traffic signal is located intending to make a left turn shall permit vehicles bound straight through in the opposite direction which are waiting a go signal to pass through the intersection before making the turn.
    (4) No person shall open the door of a parked vehicle without first making certain that said door may be opened in safety and without interfering with other vehicles in the roadway.
    (B) Exceptions to the right-of-way rule. The driver of a vehicle entering through streets, as designated in accordance with this title, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such highways and streets.
    (C) Violation. Violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a Class C civil infraction and shall be punishable as provided in Ch. 37 of this code of ordinances.
    (Prior Code, § 71.13) (Ord. D-206, passed 12-27-1949, effective 1-6-1950; Ord. D-391, passed 6-4-1956, effective 6-14-1956) Penalty, see § 71.99